3A Sieve Bead Regeneration

3A Sieve Bead Regeneration

This is a standard operating procedure (SOP) for regenerating 3A molecular sieve beads using a vacuum oven for our customers:

Purpose: To provide a standard operating procedure for regenerating 3A molecular sieve beads using a vacuum oven.

Scope: This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the regeneration of 3A molecular sieve beads using a vacuum oven.


3A molecular sieve beads: A type of desiccant used to remove water from hydrocarbons.

Vacuum oven: A type of oven that uses heat and a vacuum to remove air and moisture from materials.


The operator is responsible for setting up and operating the vacuum oven.

The quality control personnel are responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of the regeneration process.


Step 1: Preheat the vacuum oven to a temperature of 250°C.

Step 2: Transfer the saturated 3A molecular sieve beads to a metal tray.

Step 3: Place the tray with the beads in the vacuum oven and close the door.

Step 4: Turn on the vacuum pump and open valve to oven.

Step 5: Hold the pressure at maximum vacuum for 2 hours.

Step 6: Sweep the oven with atmosphere multiple times and hold for 30 minutes.

Step 7: Turn off the vacuum pump and allow the oven to cool down to room temperature.

Step 8: Check the beads for any signs of damage or degradation.

Step 9: If the beads are intact and free from damage, transfer them back to the process vessel for use.


The operator must record the date, time, and temperature of the regeneration process.

The quality control personnel must record the effectiveness of the regeneration process and any observations on the condition of the beads.

Quality control:

The quality control personnel must verify the effectiveness of the regeneration process by testing the adsorption capacity of the beads after regeneration.

If the adsorption capacity is lower than the specified value, the beads must be regenerated again.


All personnel involved in the regeneration of 3A molecular sieve beads using a vacuum oven must be trained on this SOP and the safety procedures associated with the vacuum oven.


The manufacturer's instructions for the vacuum oven and the 3A molecular sieve beads must be consulted for additional information and safety precautions.

Revision history:

This SOP must be reviewed and updated as needed to reflect changes in regulations, industry standards, or best practices.


This SOP must be approved by the quality assurance department and the management team before implementation.

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